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CBT Counseling Chiang Mai with Western Trained Therapists

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy ( CBT ) Counseling in Chiang Mai is one of the most effective forms of therapy worldwide. CBT is a form of talking therapy that is utilized when helping individuals with a wide range of mental and emotional problems.
CBT is based on the idea that how we think, how we act and how we fell all interact together. It emphasizes that it is more often than not our thoughts, and responses to external factors such as situations and people, are the root cause of our feelings and behaviors. This can be seen as an advantage as it helps individuals understand that altering thought processes can lead to positive results, this is unlike traditional therapy which emphasizes trying to re-evaluate past actions and fears.
CBT counseling in Chiang Mai is aimed to help individuals to become more aware of when they make negative interpretations and behavioral patterns that reinforce distorted thinking. It also aims to help clients develop healthier alternative ways of thinking and behaving which aim to reduce their psychological distress.
CBT also closely relates to REBT ( Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy ) which was first brought to light by Albert Ellis, REBT focused on resolving behavioral and emotional problems. The goal of therapy is intended to change irrational beliefs to more rational ones.

What to Expect from working with a CBT Counselor in Chiang Mai

What to Expect from working with a CBT Counselor in Chiang Mai

CBT is used to treat a variety of conditions, some of which include:
➢ Anger Management
➢ Alcohol and Substance Abuse
➢ Anxiety Disorders
➢ Depression
➢ Panic Attacks
➢ Personality disorders
➢ Phobias\Fears
➢ Stress Issues
➢ Insomnia
The goal of CBT is to teach individuals that they cannot possibly control all aspects of the world surrounding them, however, they can take control of how they can interpret and deal with things.

Benefits Of CBT

CBT has become increasingly popular throughout the years, and has seen to provide several benefits, some of which include:

➢ Engaging in healthier thinking patterns as a result of becoming aware of the negative and irrational thoughts which dampen feelings and moods.
➢ CBT is an effective short-term treatment option.
➢ It can aid those with emotional distress.
➢ It has proved to be effective tool to overcome a wide range of maladaptive behaviors.
➢ It can be more affordable than other types of therapy.
➢ Help clients develop healthy coping mechanisms.

Common CBT Interventions

Common CBD interventions include:
➢ Learning to set relevant goals which are problem-solving and realistic.
➢ Learning to better manage daily stressors and triggers for anxiety.
➢ Learning to identify those situations which may be out of your comfort zone and gradually approaching these situations.
➢ Learning to first identify and also challenge automatic negative thoughts.
➢ Keeping track of your thoughts and behaviors by journaling.

How to Access CBT Counseling in Thailand?

If you are simply curious about CBT or believe CBT could benefit you or your loved one in any way. We at Chiang Mai Counseling are ready to get you started on your journey toward a more fulfilling life. Please do not hesitate to contact us through the details provided on our website. Additionally, before making any commitments to us, we offer a free consultation call to answers some questions you may have or to see if you feel we are the right fit for you.